
company weakness

What Are Your Company’s Weaknesses?

February 11, 2017 By
  Every company has weaknesses; the trick is to fix them.  There is a saying that the test of a good company president or CEO is what happens to the company when he or she leaves.  Some companies–on paper–may look the same, but one company may be much more valuable due to weaknesses in the other company.  Not all problems or weaknesses can be resolved or fixed, but most can be mitigated.  Fixing or lessening company weaknesses can not only
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Be a Winning Seller: Good Negotiation is the Key

February 1, 2017 By
  You’ve made the big decision to put your business on the market. Your reasons for selling are valid, carefully-considered, and “good” – the kind that won’t make a prospective buyer shy away. Now, you may tell yourself, comes the fun part. You’ll come up with a price – maybe a little high, but why not? – and let gut instinct (an attribute common to successful business owners) lead the way. Wait just a minute. Or maybe a quarter of
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points to ponder selling business

Points to Ponder for Sellers

January 25, 2017 By
  Who best understands my business? When interviewing intermediaries to represent the sale of your firm, it is important that you discuss your decision process for selecting one.  Without this discussion, an intermediary can’t respond to a prospective seller’s concerns. Are there any potential buyers? When dealing with intermediaries, it always helps to reveal any possible buyer, an individual or a company, that has shown an interest in the business for sale.  Regardless of how far in the past the
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